020621 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210601 – update DTT CZ,5.0W,4.0W,3.0W,0.8W, 7.0E,9.0E,13.0E,16.0E,23.5E,28.2E, 30.5E,36.0E,39.0E,42.0E,46.0E,53.0E, 62.0E,68.5E,30.0W,7.0W – add new or update logos (120) – add new picon (60) – remove old inactive picon (168) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
5.0.210602 When downloading 7z archives with picons via VPN, there is always an error. From now on, this will be reported as a specific error. 5.0.210602 Při stahování archivů 7z piconů přes VPN vždy dojde k chybě. Od této chvíle to bude hlášeno jako konkrétní chyba. DownLoad Plagin
260521 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210525 – update DTT CZ,4.8E,7.0E,21.6E,26.0E, 28.2E,46.0E,70.5E – add new or update logos (201) – add new picon (17) – remove old inactive picon (524)
5.0.210523 Minor fix when displaying information (MessageBox) after running plugin update5.0.210523 Drobná oprava při zobrazování informací (MessageBox) po spuštění aktualizace pluginu DownLoad Plagin
190521 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210518 – update 5.0W,3.0W,0.8W,4.8E,9.0E, 16.0E,23.5E,28.2E,52.0E,7.0W – add new or update logos (55) – add new picon (37) – remove old inactive picon (360) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
120521 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210511 – update DTT ITA,DTT PL,4.8E,9.0E, 10.0E,13.0E,16.0E,19.2E,21.6E,23.5E, 28.2E,30.5E,36.0E,36.0E russian beam, 39.0E,42.0E,52.0E,68.5E,75,0E,85,0E, 7.0W – add new or update logos (78) – add new picon (48) – remove old inactive picon (379) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
Dnes Aktualizace picon pro Polskou pozemní TV, přidán MPX 8 Górnym. https://picon.cz/picony-pozemni-a-kabelove-vytvorene-treti-stranou/#polsko
050521 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210504 – update DTT ITA,DTT CZ,DTT PL,3.0W, 0.8W,9.0E,13.0E,16.0E,23.5E,26.0E, 28.2E,30.5E,39.0E,42.0E,52.0E,68.5E, 7.0W – add new or update logos (85) – add new picon (51) – remove old inactive picon (115) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
5.0.210501 Added multiple configuration profiles: – since there has also been a change in the system file “/etc/enigma2/settings”, it is recommended to delete “chocholousekpicons” old configuration entries, for example using an online script: wget -qO- –no-check-certificate “https://github.com/s3n0/e2plugins/raw/master/ChocholousekPicons/online-setup” | bash -s del-config The ability to check and save the plugin configuration is removed: – the plugin configuration is SAVED AUTOMATICALLY and immediately after each change – the red “Exit” button has been replaced by “Profile reset” for this purpose – the green button is used to exit the plugin New option to add default picon directories, for Enigma2 administrators and developers: – create a text file “/etc/enigma2/chocholousekpicons.cfg” (Unix/Linux newlines) – insert […]
Dnes Aktualizace picon pro Polskou pozemní TV. https://picon.cz/picony-pozemni-a-kabelove-vytvorene-treti-stranou/#polsko
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