17.11. 2022 – Aktualizace Pluginu Chocholoušek picon!

5.0.221117 Added “–force-downgrade” argument to OPKG: – since the upgrade from the github server has a higher priority, the argument is needed to install the version from github, instead of the enigma2-feed version – this applies if there is still an old version on the enigma2-feed or marked with the wrong git-version – plugin configuration in Enigma2 will not be changed (not deleted) 5.0.221117 Do OPKG přidán argument „–force-downgrade“: – protože upgrade ze serveru github má vyšší prioritu, je potřeba argument nainstalovat verzi z githubu místo verze enigma2-feed – to platí, pokud je na enigma2-feed stále stará verze nebo je označena špatnou git-verzí – konfigurace pluginu v Enigmě2 se nezmění […]

11.11.2022 Aktualizace picon

111122 – update orbit from Vhannibal v221108 – update DTT PL,DTT ITA,5.0W,4.0W, 9.0E,13.0E,23.5E,26.0E,28.2E,30.5E, 36.0E,42.0E,52.0E,52.5E,7.0W – add new or update logos (117) – add new picon (30) – remove old inactive picon (0) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin

04.11.2022 Aktualizace picon

031122 – update orbit from Vhannibal v221101 – update 5.0W,4.0W,3.0W,0.8W,1.9E, 3.0E,4.8E,7.0E,9.0E,13.0E,16.0E, 23.5E,28.2E,30.5E,36.0E,39.0E, 42.0E,68.5E,30.0W,14.0W,7.0W – add new or update logos (95) – add new picon (68) – remove old inactive picon (997) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin

27.10. 2022 – Aktualizace Pluginu Chocholoušek picon!

5.0.221027 Patch for a small bug, when the algorithm crashes in OpenATV 7.0, after calling self[‘config’].getCurrent()[0] while this object does not exist yet (not yet created). Added Italian language (thanks to @spaeleus). 5.0.221027 Oprava malé chyby, když algoritmus v OpenATV 7.0 spadne po volání self[‘config’].getCurrent()[0], zatímco tento objekt ještě neexistuje (ještě nebyl vytvořen). Přidán italský jazyk (díky @spaeleus). DownLoad Plagin

26.10.2022 Aktualizace picon

261022 – update orbit from Vhannibal v221025 – update DTT CZ,DTT SK,4.0W,4.8E,9.0E, 13.0E,19.2E,23.5E,26.0E,28.2E,52.0E, 68.5E,30.0W,7.0W – add new or update logos (21) – add new picon (35) – remove old inactive picon (251) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin

05.10.2022 Aktualizace picon

041005 – update orbit from Vhannibal v221004 – update DTT ITA,5.0W,3.0E,4.8E,9.0E, 13.0E,19.2E,23.5E,26.0E,28.2E,36.0E, 39.0E,42.0E,51.5E,52.0E,68.5E,30.0W, 14.0W,7.0W – add new or update logos (30) – add new picon (93) – remove old inactive picon (1482) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin