4.0.210214 Add log output to the file “/tmp/chocholousek-picons.log”, while updating picons. Added testing of the connection to the server, which contains picon packages, after testing the internet connection. Minor syntax modification according to PEP8 E251. Renaming some functions (source code) to make them clearer. 4.0.210214 Přidán výstup protokolu do souboru „/tmp/chocholousek-picons.log“ při aktualizaci piconů. Přidáno testování připojení k serveru, který obsahuje balíčky picon, po testování připojení k internetu. Drobná úprava syntaxe podle PEP8 E251. Přejmenování některých funkcí (zdrojový kód), aby byly jasnější. DownLoad Plagin
100221 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210209 – update DTT ITA,DTT PL,3.0W,0.8W, 1.9E,4.8E,9.0E,13.0E,16.0E,19.2E, 26.0E,28.2E,39.0E,42.0E,52.0E,7.0W – add new or update logos (93) – add new picon (48) – remove old inactive picon (58) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
Dnes jsem přidal pocony pro Polskou pozemní TV (region Poznań) ve spolupráci s C7_4K. https://picon.cz/picony-pozemni-a-kabelove-vytvorene-treti-stranou/#polsko
030221 – update orbit from Vhannibal v200202 – update providers,DTT CZ,DTT ITA, 0.8W,1.9E,9.0E13.0E,16.0E,19.2E, 23.5E,26.0E,28.2E,39.0E,42.0E,45.0E, 46.0E,53.0E,68.5E,70.5E,30.0W – add new or update logos (89) – add new picon (62) – remove old inactive picon (439) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
4.0.210130 For the needs of OpenATV-6.5 alpha version (based on Python 3.8.x), “.py” files are inserted into the installation package instead of “.pyo” files. DownLoad Plagin
4.0.210129 Source code modified to support both versions of Python 2 and 3 at the same time. Fixed description for the plugin: – picons are supported mainly for satellite positions from Europe – other satellite positions are less supported … such as satellites in Russia (not all satellites from Russia are supported) DownLoad Plagin
270121 – update orbit from Vhannibal v200126 – update providers,DTT CZ,DTT ITA,5.0W 13.0E,19.2E,23.5E,28.2E,39.0E,51.5E, 52.0E,62.0E,30.0W,8.0W – add new or update logos (37) – add new picon (167) – remove old inactive picon (556) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
200121 – update orbit from Vhannibal v200119 – update DTT ITA,0.8W,4.8E,7.0E,13.0E, 16.0E,19.2E,23.5E,26.0E,28.2E,39.0E, 42.0E,68.5E,7.0W – add new or update logos (59) – add new picon (64) – remove old inactive picon (321) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
130121 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210112 – update DTT CZ,DTT ITA,4.0W,0.8W,1.9E, 13.0E,16.0E,19.2E,23.5E,28.2E,36.0E, 42.0E,51.5E,52.0E,24.8W,15.0W – add new or update logos (23) – add new picon (87) – remove old inactive picon (670) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
050121 – update orbit from Vhannibal v210105 – update DTT ITA,4.0W,0.8W,1.9E,4.8E, 10.0E,13.0E,23.5E,26.0E,28.2E,33.0E, 36.0E,39.0E,42.0E,45.0E,51.5E,22.0W, 7.0W – add new or update logos (48) – add new picon (49) – remove old inactive picon (558) DownLoad picons DownLoad plagin
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