Dnes přidány picony TRANSPARENT SNP 220x132 také do Chocholoušek picons pluginu!


My own lamedb with 36.0E services (Russian beam).
I want to believe, that it's gonna be useful for your work.

P.S. Also, how to use SNP picons for 36.0E satellite? Channels from NTV+ and Trikolor have cyrillic names (most of them), but picons for them in package have transliterated names (the same russian, but latinized, like "ЖИВИ" and "zhivii"). How to connect SNP picons and services properly? Should I rename channels to latin names, as picons, or any other way is possible?


Thanks for lamedb, I will use it soon to update 36E.

Unfortunately, the only thing I know is that channels named in cyrillic when using picon SNP will not be displayed. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do to display the picons.

Vrchní velitel pro boj ve vysoké trávě

Update for 36.0E-rb:
Детский Мир HD - 1_0_19_57E_E_70_1680000_0_0_0

Любимое Кино HD - 1_0_19_4B1_C_70_1680000_0_0_0

Мир сериала HD - 1_0_19_4B2_C_70_1680000_0_0_0

НТВ HD - 1_0_19_387_9_70_1680000_0_0_0

Первый канал HD - 1_0_19_385_9_70_1680000_0_0_0

Россия 1 HD - 1_0_19_386_9_70_1680000_0_0_0

Chocholoušek has reacted to this post.

Update for 36.0E-rb:

BABY TIME - 1_0_16_717_12_70_1680000_0_0_0
OTP HD - 1_0_19_4B3_C_70_1680000_0_0_0

КИНОУЖАС - 1_0_16_76_1_70_1680000_0_0_0 (picon from other service)
Моя стихия - 1_0_16_19E_4_70_1680000_0_0_0 (picon from other service)
СОЛНЦЕ - 1_0_16_520_D_70_1680000_0_0_0 (picon from other service)
Центральное телевидение - 1_0_16_70D_12_70_1680000_0_0_0 (picon from other service)

Rebranding of Viasat channels (old name is Viasat, new name is viju):
TV 1000 - viju TV1000 - 1_0_16_4A9E_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
TV 1000 Action - viju TV1000 action - 1_0_16_4A9F_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
ТВ 1000 Русское Кино - viju TV1000 русское - 1_0_16_4AA0_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
Viasat Explore - viju Explore - 1_0_16_4AA1_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
Viasat History - viju History - 1_0_16_4AA2_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
Viasat Nature - viju Nature - 1_0_16_4AA3_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
Viasat Nature/History HD - viju+ Planet - 1_0_19_42D1_11_70_1680000_0_0_0
Viasat Sport - viju+ Sport - 1_0_16_4AA4_13_70_1680000_0_0_0
VIP Comedy - viju+ Comedy - 1_0_19_42CE_11_70_1680000_0_0_0
VIP Megahit - viju+ Megahit - 1_0_19_42CF_11_70_1680000_0_0_0
VIP Premiere - viju+ Premiere - 1_0_19_42D0_11_70_1680000_0_0_0

Thanks for your work!
P.S. https://ntvplus.ru/tv/ - the source of fresh channel logos


I can find the sources of images for picons (36.0E-rb), it will reduce your work, minimize a risk of mistakes ('cause sorry to admit, but I still have a wrong picons) and save a lot of time for you. Just give me specifications and characteristics of requested images.


Hello, I will fix everything you tell me. The problem is that I don't know which logos are bad.
1 - I am looking for sharp logos with the highest resolution, the bigger and sharper the logo, the better.
2 - If there is a logo with a transparent background or directly vector graphics, but this is not a condition, I will remove the background.
3 - I basically don't use foreign picons!

Vrchní velitel pro boj ve vysoké trávě

I checked every channel in the NTV+ package (except radio), and compared logos from transmissions with your picons, and with logos from https://telepedia.fandom.com/. The result is here - first .zip file is a collection of new and updated channel logos for future picons (2022-2023 period). The second - proper logos for recent picons with mistakes. I choose only logos with visible differences from picons, that's a lot, but not all. The next preferable choice is yours, because I don't know, which images are appropriate and usable for you, which is not. Services with additions "HD" or "+2" have the same logo as their original versions in the most cases, but which picon is better for them, with this additions or not - I personally can't make a decision, it's for you. Pics were named just like services in lamedb, to make the future search easier.
Sources: https://telepedia.fandom.com/, https://www.cableman.ru/.
P.S. Happy Catholic Easter!

Chocholoušek has reacted to this post.

Hello, thank you for the Easter wishes. Thanks for the fix pack. Pictures and naming are fine, I can use everything. I just need some time. Patch 36.0E-rb coming out soon.

Vrchní velitel pro boj ve vysoké trávě

Another one thanks for fixing. But I made some fix-fixes for you:

  • w1.7z - logos from my previous package, which you not used in your results (plus logos for PEH TB +2  and РЕН ТВ, it the same channels for different time zones, but your picons for this services have the different styles from each other);
  • w2.7z - HD channels, which have in their naming addition "HD", but this addition isn't presented in your picons (but other HD channels (by naming) from your package for 36.0E have it);
  • w3.7z - fresh lamedb from 36.0E and logo for НТВ HD (the same as new НТВ plus HD part, but your variant is outdated).
    If you have other thoughts and opinion, just explain, everything is OK.


