[Astra 28.2E] Some missing picons ?



hoping my english will be good enough.

I have rebuild my configuration and on the position of Astra 28.2E, UK & EI channels, i have noticed that some picons were missing ( in my very last config, those picons were there !?):

Using last plugin on OpenAtv 7.3 - Vu+ Uno 4K SE

XP picons, 220*132 , SNPBlack

all the STV channels picons missing (HD and SD)

all the ITV1 channels picons missing (HD and SD) ( the other ITV based channels like ITV2, ITV3,.... are present)

I have tried all the possibilities (copy all inc, sync...) but still picons missing.

Best regards.


Hello, all the listed picons are in the packages, why they are not displayed I can only speculate. The most likely culprit is the setting, try to replace it with a setting from Vhannibal.

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